my thoughts are to be at the disposal of any geologist world wide and compliant I will be...
R.O.C.K.S. (Rarely Other Careers Key into Success)
Here's us gathering samples during a field trip...
First we need to get to the right place... what better way than...
Tag: Extreme rock-jumping
Method: Leap from peak to peak in fastest possible path. Putting yourself in prime position for sample gathering
Conclusion: Went well, except had to leave bag and clothes behind as got to hot (or should we say... extreme)
Next we get into sampling...
Method: Buldging muscles and swing motion, using gravity as the primary force to retreive sample. Activation Energy produced by rapid horizontal bursts upon the sample, bringing transport in motion
Conclusion: ABORT, near fatal encounters: cuts and rolling persons instead of boulder.
Suggestions: Throw sample off top of cliff and retrieve at bottom...
Method: bear-like growl accompanied by violent jerks of arm to produce maximum distance
Conclusion: Had problems finding samples retrieved at peak and arm rendered useless for a couple hours...